Construction of a Fencing Mask

Begonnen von Jan, Mai 15, 2012, 08:40:12 VORMITTAG

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Construction of a Fencing Mask [pdf]

Aus dem Inhalt:

1 Introduction
2 Protective Hard Shell Mesh
2.1 What material is used?
2.2 How is the material tested?
2.3 How is the mesh constructed from the material?
2.4 How is the completed mesh tested for safety?
2.4.1 Test to ensure construction is correct
2.4.2 Test to ensure construction can endure deformation
2.4.3 Tests to ensure the mesh can protect the head properly Low velocity penetration test Impact energy test
2.4.4 In-person \punch test"
2.5 What do the ratings mean?
3 Protective Cloth Bib
3.1 What material is used, and how is the bib constructed?
3.2 How is the completed bib tested for safety?
3.2.1 Ergonomic testing
3.2.2 Bib attachment testing
3.2.3 High velocity test
3.3 What do the ratings mean?
4 Joins and Rib
4.1 What prole should the join have?
4.2 How are the joins tested for safety?
5 Straps and Restraint System
6 Internal Padding and Support System
6.1 How is the padding tested for safety?
6.2 Why do some masks have more internal padding than others?
7 External Padding
8 Back-of-Head Protection
9 Bibliography and References


Schön, jetzt wissen wir woher die 1200N kommen  8)